Try It Tuesday: Strategies For Capturing Greatness with Melissa A. Rowe (Part One)

Try It Tuesday: Melissa Rowe on Strategies for Capturing Greatness (Part 1) from Michele Martin on Vimeo.

One of the goals for Try It Tuesday is for us to share with you programs and people who are working to engage young people in exploring their futures and developing their skills.

This week we are bringing you Part One of our interview with Melissa A. Rowe of Capture Greatness. Melissa works with young people on college readiness, helping them develop their personal essays and access scholarship opportunities. She was recently featured by WHYY as one of their American Graduate Champions and has coached three young people who received the Gates Millenium Scholarship. 

In this interview, Melissa gives us some background on Capture Greatness and how she helps young people access and tell their stories to discover their strengths and write powerful personal essays for college admissions and scholarship essays. 

In the interview, she discusses how she uses prompts to engage young people in journaling exercises and conversations. Here's a link to some of her favorite prompts, which you can use as icebreakers, conversation starters or journal prompts. 

Next week Melissa will share with us how she works with young people on developing their "personal brand," which she uses both for college admissions and also to help young people think about careers and job opportunities. 

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